
Yesterday we learned thatJa Rule spent his days in prison cooking up microwavable concoctions like lasagna and cheesecakePage Six

. Since becoming something of a food nuking expert while behind bars, Ja Rule has now announced that he wants to write a cookbook featuring solely microwavable dishes. reports that Ja Rule made an appearance on Geoffrey Zakarian's SiriusXM show "Food Talk" during the New York City Wine & Food Festival. While on the mic, Ja Rule talked about how his stint in prison taught him how to make all sorts of foods (seemingly an entire cookbook's worth) in the microwave.

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Headshot of Zoe Bain
Zoe Bain
7-second life story: I was pre-med in college, until I realized that I could turn baking my problems away (instead of doing my chem homework) into a profession.
Hometown: Los Angeles
3 things I make better than anyone else: Pancakes (they are a Sunday morning staple for the Bain family), cookie dough (I will take the raw stuff over just-out-of-the-oven cookies any day), chili
Recipe I'm on the eternal hunt for: The easiest-ever, throw-together soup that I still have time to make after work
Kitchen technique I just can't get right: Poaching eggs. I swirl the water, just like everyone says I should, but it never works. #fail
Follow me on Twitter @zoeabain.